Sara Hannah Eve, An administration assistant for a legal firm in her mid 30’s
S.H.E., The thoughts of Sarah.
Henry Every, A production line worker for a bread making company.
H.E., The thoughts of Henry
Their apartment. The room is divided into 2 halves by a frame, mirroring the apt. The present.
Lights up to reveal Henry
sitting and reading a newspaper in a nice shirt and tie
at the dining table.
There is a window with snow blowing outside,
And an area representing the kitchen
There is also an area near the window with a club chair and table.
Sarah enters quickly carrying a (cake)box and wrapped food items. She
heads toward the kitchen to put away her groceries.
Cripes, it’s cold outside. I wasn’t sure the car was even going to make it through the snow. I can’t believe how it’s coming down.
(Sarah takes her coat off and begins making dinner)
(Henry continues reading the newspaper at the table)
(Lights come up to reveal a second cast on the opposite side of the frame)
Well, great. Now, can I just read my paper, please? Tonight, I just really want to be calm, cool, and relaxed.
(Raising eyes to the ceiling)Did you pick up the Chinese? I don’t see it. Be cold.
Henry, don’t say a word. It’s a trick. Don’t let her start an argument tonight. Not tonight! Just peace and quiet.
Cripes, why am I even asking you? I know you didn’t. Whenever I need you to do something you just blow it off.
(Shrugging shoulders)Why do you even ask? I work hard baking all day the last thing I want to do is run errands. I’m exhausted working all day. And when’s the last time you blew me?
(Playwrights note: A dance begins in regards to all four characters and postioning. Unless otherwise noted H.E. and S.H.E mirror the positioning of the main characters)
(Sarah goes to the phone on the side table dialing)
(Henry gets up and goes to fridge fiddles, then returns to table)
Never mind, Henry, I’ll just call Jaded Moon and have them deliver it. The eggrolls are way too small and taste old and greasy. Hello? I need an order of #20 and an order of #7. And can you also send an order of eggrolls?
(Addressing Sarah)Whoa! You sure hit the nail on the head with those numbers…(Addressing Henry) Hey, what did she mean about the eggrolls? What is she implying?
(H.E. and Henry both hold themselves for reassurance)
(Snidly)”Actually, Sir, cancel those eggrolls. Can I have an order of your freshest spring rolls instead? Thank you. Bye.”
(Sarah hangs up the phone, returns to the kitchen pouring a pitcher of ice water. Both Henry and H.E. look blankly,wondering.)
Dude, let it go. This is a night for chilling. Relaxing. No fights tonight. It’s Friday night and you’ve had a tough week. The ovens broke down and you had to crawl in there by yourself. You almost got fried, Dude! Now it’s time to reevaluate your prerogatives. Just chill the fuck out. Especially, considering you’re going to…
(Sarah turns to face Henry from the kitchen and folds arms
Henry does not notice, gets up and goes to window then again returns to table)
So? Why couldn’t you bother? It’s Friday night and I’ve had a tough week, especially considering I’m going…
(Sarah walks over to the window and stares out of it. S.H.E breaks the mirror image and faces Sarah directly)
Baby girl, tell him. He’ll be so proud and happy. Once you tell him the good news, he’ll give you all the attention you deserve. And the girls already know at work. Give him a chance.
(Sarah approaches Henry from behind to massage his shoulders but
(Henry oblivious heads to the kitchenette, pouring himself ice water)
(H.E breaks the mirror image and faces Henry directly)
Dude, tell her why you couldn’t get the Chinese. She’ll be so thankful and happy. Once you tell her the news, she’ll give you all the attention you deserve. Hell, the guys at work are expecting you to! A wound gets worse if you don’t treat it.
(Sarah Returns to Kitchen from table. Henry heads toward window.
Both H.E. and S.H.E. revert to the mirroring image of their main characters)
…I just wish you could deliver once in a while. I work just as hard as you do and well, I, just, sometimes, I just need you to put out and provide a little more! It drives me insane sometimes! You just come home and expect me to serve you all the time. What about me? What about my needs and wants? You don’t even fucking talk to me, anymore. There’s a big fucking pink elephant in the room and I’m tired of ignoring it.
(Speaking directly to Sarah)Hey wait a minute! He just wants to have a nice evening, no fights no…umm, pink elephants. But, fuck it since we are on the subject, are you talking about what I, what we, think you are talking about?
(To Henry)Whoa, Dude! What’s the pink elephant reference? Just fucking talk to her! Now, we better get this over with. Ask her. Like fucking ask her what the fuck happened. Things were great then all of a sudden something changed with her. Don’t get all cowardly lion now on us!
(Henry lifts the window and lights a cigarette)
(Frustrated addressing Henry)If I hadn’t met you I could have lived my life so differently! I could have met someone who talks to me who, who listens to me! I could have had a career. I have dreams and goals but, I just don’t see them happening anymore. 7 years ago, I could have had a child, but I lost her. I wanted to have my own bakery. Now, I buy our fucking anniversary cake at the grocery store! Oh, I bet you forgot! We moved in together twenty years ago today. And you just sit there with no idea. No fucking idea!! Just totally clueless! I should so fucking tell you…
(Henry becomes increasingly agitated)
O.K. Fine. You want someone who will listen to you? Just tell him about the pink elephant. We covered the number 20 already. Happy Anniversary! Tell him about what happened 7 years ago. Tell him what 7 really represents to you. He was almost burned alive today! Don’t you get it? If you don’t tell him what you did, you’re the one who is going to burn in hell! If you don’t tell him and come clean soon, it’ll be too late and you’re going to fucking burn forever.
(Addressing Sarah)Just tell him, now. Please? He’s guessed it already. How could he not know? It’s all too obvious, isn’t it? Just cleanse yourself. This can be a chance at a new beginning, can’t it baby? You have plans and things can’t move forward until you deal with the past, right? Can’t this be a chance at redemption for you? Won’t you just be a strong lioness and tackle the elephant?
(Sarah becomes increasing agitated)
Where is that Chinese? How long has it been? Is it going to be forever? (She looks in mirror)God, I hope I won’t burn… They won’t burn the Chinese, I mean. (She looks at Henry’s reflection) Hey, What’s with the white shirt and tie? Did you go somewhere, today? You are sure dressed up nice for a work day. What gives?
(Henry closes window and faces Sarah)
(Sarah turns and faces Henry)
(H.E. and S.H.E. come closer to the frame looking at Sarah)
You have so many questions? Well, I need answers. Tell me why our relationship went to hell. Tell me why you became an icy cold bitch to me. We used to be so good together, Sarah. Now I just feel all my life has been drained out of me, out of us. I know we lost a baby, but, something else has happened. (Pause) My father past away five years ago, the last two years of his life my relationship with him dwindled and died with him. I can’t have the same thing happen to us. It’ll kill me.
Tell him, Sarah! Just end this struggle within him. Please. I beg you. (yelling) I can’t take it anymore!
(There is a knock at the door.)
Oh finally!
(Sarah grabs her purse and opens the door. The delivery man gives her a bag of Chinese)
(Henry loosens his white shirt and tie. He walks to the kitchen and grabs some plates and the ice water)
Hey, I got the plates.
(All characters meet and then sit at the dining table.
Sarah and Henry begin plating the food
(Smirking)Here have a springroll.
(Lights fade)
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