They galloped through the forest and came upon the the clearing. The Hideaway was silent. It was almost deafening, as Sia listened to the forest and the trees. There was no wind now. No birdsong, or any sound, whatsoever. Deep in the forest of Gratha, along the banks of the now darkened crimson creek, she had ridden Wind Runner back to the source of the toxins of Bad River. There was a full moon tonight she could see clearly tonight. It was as she feared, as she found a jar of Plaigerm laying beside the river. But she was also hopeful, that she could use the antidote to prevent Plaigerm from killing the animal life of Gratha. This would not be easy she thought, pulling a carbon bottle of Myst from the bag on Wind Runner's back.
As she lifted the bottle out and turned towards the river, she felt his presence, return. Wind Runner had shape-shifted back to his human form.
"Sia, you do not know what Myst can do. Surely it can save your species. But if you drink it you may die. Do not do this and leave me, again."
She looked upon his naked silhouette in the light of the moon. She loved him, of course, but she knew if she didn't solve this now that Bad River could never be solved. Eventually all of Gratha could be in danger.
"Runner, we have to. You know we must. I do love you, but how can we go on without trying?"
She reached up and felt his strong shoulders. She leaned in and he held her bronzed naked frame. He knew she was right but he tried to perhaps think that this was how things should be. Perhaps they were supposed to be the last of their kind. The bright white moon of Tim009 hung overhead, Runner pleaded again,
"If I die would you even miss me?" Runner asked.
He needed reassurance. He had already lost her once, because of her quests. Years had gone by since they last made love and he knew instantly he was in love with her. Sia could not be tamed though, he thought. He was forever faithful, forever loyal, but wanted something to prove her love, even if it meant the end of their species. As he waited for her answer, she lowered his head and kissed him tenderly.
"I love you to the moon and back and twice around Sun II. Runner, you must go now. Go to the The Church of the Flame of Truth. I gave birth to your son, there."
She backed up and drank from the bottle of Myst. She compulsed and died in his arms.
As is tradition of The Church of the Flame of Truth, he made a shallow pit, and layed her body to rest there covering it with leaves. Runner shed a single tear over her as he returned to his horse shape and fled through the trees of Gratha, on his own quest to search for his abandoned son...
Years passed, Runner and his son evenutually succumbed to Plaigerm as well as all of the animal life on the planet of Tim009, never knowing the secret of Myst...
As centuries passed on Tim009 beneath the soil of a forgotten forest, along the banks of a now crsytal river a long buried womb erupts, a trickle of blood burbling, sending the seeds of an ancient species into the waters...
As she lifted the bottle out and turned towards the river, she felt his presence, return. Wind Runner had shape-shifted back to his human form.
"Sia, you do not know what Myst can do. Surely it can save your species. But if you drink it you may die. Do not do this and leave me, again."
She looked upon his naked silhouette in the light of the moon. She loved him, of course, but she knew if she didn't solve this now that Bad River could never be solved. Eventually all of Gratha could be in danger.
"Runner, we have to. You know we must. I do love you, but how can we go on without trying?"
She reached up and felt his strong shoulders. She leaned in and he held her bronzed naked frame. He knew she was right but he tried to perhaps think that this was how things should be. Perhaps they were supposed to be the last of their kind. The bright white moon of Tim009 hung overhead, Runner pleaded again,
"If I die would you even miss me?" Runner asked.
He needed reassurance. He had already lost her once, because of her quests. Years had gone by since they last made love and he knew instantly he was in love with her. Sia could not be tamed though, he thought. He was forever faithful, forever loyal, but wanted something to prove her love, even if it meant the end of their species. As he waited for her answer, she lowered his head and kissed him tenderly.
"I love you to the moon and back and twice around Sun II. Runner, you must go now. Go to the The Church of the Flame of Truth. I gave birth to your son, there."
She backed up and drank from the bottle of Myst. She compulsed and died in his arms.
As is tradition of The Church of the Flame of Truth, he made a shallow pit, and layed her body to rest there covering it with leaves. Runner shed a single tear over her as he returned to his horse shape and fled through the trees of Gratha, on his own quest to search for his abandoned son...
Years passed, Runner and his son evenutually succumbed to Plaigerm as well as all of the animal life on the planet of Tim009, never knowing the secret of Myst...
As centuries passed on Tim009 beneath the soil of a forgotten forest, along the banks of a now crsytal river a long buried womb erupts, a trickle of blood burbling, sending the seeds of an ancient species into the waters...
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